Ich bau dir ein Schloss

Premiere August 20, 2017
Bewerk project
Actress Mieneke Bakker and journalist Wiel Beijer wrote 'Ich bau dir ein Schloss', in which they merge their own observations and those of others about the Eastern mining region in Limburg (nl), past and present. The result is two monologues (Willemien and Bettina), both played by Bakker, directed by Servé Hermans at Toneelgroep Maastricht. For both women i made a completely different musical timbre. I gave Willemien, the detached architect, with an eye on the future, an industrial sound. Bettina, the open café owner, with her eyes on the past, received a more nostalgic sound, as if the town's last band was playing nextdoor. site
Photo by Bjorn Frins
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- Band Use Knife
- Game Kiddo
- Circus WEB
- Music Soundtrack for a Temporary Community - INVITED
- Exhibition Mighty Maas
- Theater Ich bau dir ein Schloss
- Theater Flikflak
- Theater EMMA
- Theater Romeo & Juliet
- Theater Cyrano
- Theater Elektra
- Theater Forgotten Street
- Installation PSSST
- Film (R)Evolution
- Film Happy Healing
- Theater 2:54 a.m.
- Animation Patatsoep
- Installation Verhalenbank
- Circus Circus Without Circus
- Live Soundtrack La Coquille et le Clergyman
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- Band Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat
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- Band Kaboom Karavan
- Band Manngold
- Band Manngold de Cobre
- Theater Nachtwaken
- Band Hypochristmutreefuzz
- Docu Boekentoren 2.0
- Band The Flipside Paradox
- Band Rumble Jungle Orchestra
- Theater A Plea for Time
- Dance Turbador
- Band The Golden Tieger
- Band delvaux.
- Band Trashcan Blues Collective
- Theater use us
- Theater Wishful Thinking
- Theater Outer Ring Road
- Theater Serendipitijd
- Dance Traum
- Theater Let me pause
- Theater Oh Othello
- Theater Café COVAR